Daily rambles, stumbles and travels

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Baking and bootie shaking

I just baked some bourbon biscuits! They taste frakkin' fantastic too ^_^ You see that filling, oh yeah, it's Nutella. I really wanted to bake more than one variant of biscuit today, but with it raining rivers here at the moment, I didn't feel like venturing out the house today to fetch more ingredients. Which sucks, because along with the ingredients buying was a planned meal at a Japanese place called 'Bonzai', for katsu chickens and miso soup. Oh well, maybe tomorrow!

So whats else is going down? Well, I have been drawing A HELL OF ALOT. I don't think I've drawn this much for a looong time, not sure why, I wouldn't have classed myself as even having something as serious as drawers block. But, either way, I am surrounded by masses of paper, ancient scribbles of ideas to inked pieces I never finished. The bad point about all this mass creativity, is wrist ache, wearing my wrist bandage 24/7 helps and resting it on anything tasty too. I can withstand it for art anyhoo, I must make myself ambidextrous one of these days.
The makings of my evenings:

Request for a friend in the U.S. of her "fursona"

My draenei shaman, meditating in a waterfall.

It's her again, but covered only by her ghost wolf guardians - niiice.

'Techno cheetah', besides sitting on a giant blemonge, very fun to paint.

Something I have been meaning to draw for sometime and should draw more of, dinosaurs! On an A3 scalle too, this was so awesomely great to paint!

I have to finsh of my other design scribbles too, so I''l post away once finished.

No youtube action yet, I haven't really been to many special events with bad weather and hibernating with drawing. Although, I did record footage when i last visited Bristol Zoo, so expect something animal related!

On a work related note, I may or may not have a job. It's reception work at an army barracks near to me, but hey, it's work! Plus, I get uniform supplied. I got through the first interview and will hear about the second half next week at somepoint, we shall see what it entales.

On a travelling note, I am heading to Oslo in Sept, thanks to a cheap deal my Ma swooped up. I haven't visited that scandanvian wonder since I was a tiny little Loafling and even then, i was too voercome by sea sickness to notice anything. It supposedly has a righteous Paleo museum and a VIKING boat museum. I predict many photographs to be taken *ka-grin*

Now I need something to eats and watch some LOTRs behind-the-scenes documentaries, WOO.

1 comment:

Dog Bites Back said...

How did I miss this BAKING?!